Ponchik Coin Liquidity Progress

More than two months have passed since the launch of Ponchik Coin, and it’s time for us to provide a brief update on our progress. 📈

Ponchik $PURR, a meme coin inspired by a real cat, was launched on February 2, 2024. From the outset, our primary goal has been to establish solid liquidity, and to achieve this, we’ve collaborated with numerous reputable projects. Currently, nearly 40 percent of the total supply, equivalent to 40 million $PURR, is in liquidity pools. 💦

🤝 Here are the links to our official collaborations:

🏖️ $COOP | @CoopCoinHQ
🚀 $A200 | @eviszen
🐸 $PEPS | @PeperiumASA
🤖 $COSG | @CosmicChamps
🍑 $BUTTS | @ButtCoinASA
🪙 $TLP | @TLPCoin
🐦 $COO | @Ghettopigeons
⛽️ $GAS | @TucanTribe
💨 $THC | @AlgoNFTBuddies
🦭 $SEALS | @SealsToken
🪙 $ALC | @AlgoLeagues

Additionally, we established a sizable liquidity pool with the $A200 tokens donated by @eviszen, demonstrating our trust in this new project. We transferred a total of 3 million out of the 5 million $PURR allocated for the team to the liquidity wallet, despite fully utilizing all coins allocated for liquidity. In other words, our team made a significant sacrifice by relinquishing a total of 3 million $PURR. ❤️

Furthermore, we utilized some of the 10 million coins allocated for rewards to strengthen our liquidity partnerships even further. ✊

All these actions were taken to ensure the future stability and success of Ponchik Coin. 😻

💳 For transparency, we’re sharing our official wallet addresses with you again:

•   Team: ponchik.algo
•   Liquidity: liquidity.ponchik.algo
•   Reward: reward.ponchik.algo
•   Marketing: marketing.ponchik.algo

⏩ What’s next for us?
With a solid foundation in place, our focus now shifts to adding tangible value and raising social awareness.

We’re launching a new initiative called ‘Feline Friends,’ aimed at providing food, shelter, and medical support for stray cats. The necessary groundwork for this initiative is nearing completion, and we plan to kick off a donation campaign shortly, tied to the sales of the ponchik.algo NFD segment. 💗

Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for your continued support! 😽


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